Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Art of Recovery

Garage Gym Junkie,

Why every time you talk to do you ask me if I have recovered fully? I feel I am ready to go three or four times a day, but you stress that though volume does create success and with that proper recovery is needed.


Thank You KB,

I believe in under recovery not over training. In that you must remember every individual is different in the type of recovery and time they need. Think of Rich Froning he works out multiple times a day and is fine, yet if you look at a beginner the individual could not do the same. In fact that beginner would end up hurting himself or herself.

Types of Recovery

-Non Active Recovery
-Active Recovery

Many people practice non-active recovery, which means that you are not being active over the day. I stress that many people need this at least once a week. I see many individuals come in and over stress themselves thinking they need to train every day, and instead if becoming better they just stop showing up. They stop showing up because they feel over worked.

Active Recovery I stress this to many people especially when you have three or four days off in a week. Active recovery requires you to get active for a half hour or more. Some of my favorite examples is a game of basketball, a 5k row, a walk, or going bowling. All it requires is that you get active for some period of time.

Garage Gym Junkie

Remember to submit your photos and questions to

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