Tuesday, April 15, 2014

30 days to clean eating

So before I take my hike to the 94kg class I figured I should clean up my eating. "1 step at a time" the way the challenge works is over the next 30 days I gain up to six points, this still might change, for completing mini challenges.

The challenges are:

1 point for one hour of training/mobility even on days off
1 point for fish oil
1 point for drinking 1/3 bw in water ounces
1 for not eating artificial sugars(I.e soda, candy, etc.)
1 point for no drugs/alcohol 
1 point for no refined carbs(I.e. Pasta, bread, etc.)

At the end of the 30 days you add the points.

Monday 4-14

Today was my first day under Coach Mash and first on the quest of cleaning up how I eat. After I clean it up I'll shoot for the 94kg class. Below picture is the training log and I also earned 5 out of 6 points in my cleaning up challenge.